
News & Updates

The chicken coop project

A T  T H E  H O P E  C O M M U N I T Y  C E N T E RDuring the month of January, we had the opportunityto purchase an incubator for 50 eggs. Withenthusiasm, we placed our very first eggs in theincubator.21 days later, we welcomed our first 45chicks.In March, when it...

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one, two, three chicken coops

For a long time, we had dreamed of creating a chicken coop. With our new community center, we finally found the perfect space to make it a reality. We bought an incubator to hatch our own chicks and then built a chicken coop to accommodate our first 43 chicks. After...

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Community Center

This month we welcomed the first families in our community center. We had a time of worship and prayer together and followed up with the families who participate in our microcredit program. What a joy to have a safe space to welcome them. Each family went home with a...

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The month of February began with the installation of the community center as well as the moving of our missionaries. The two-story White House is finally "ready" well almost. There is still no electricity and various repairs and installations still have to be taken...

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Cholera – How to prevent

After three weeks in the United States, we all planned to return to Haiti. In view of the complex political situation and the high stress, only Jonathan and Mathieu left for a little over a week in Haiti. On site, we were able to organize a distribution of water...

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Feed the hungry

On Sunday, Jonathan went back down to Cité Soleil to visit the communities we support. This neighborhood has become a war zone. Waste is piled up everywhere and the water stagnates and fills the houses. People run on certain stretches of road to avoid bullets. People...

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Relocate families

While we support more than twenty families in Cité Soleil, our assistance is intensifying. The situation has become unbelievable. We have been able to support four families to relocate them outside of Cité Soleil. We continue the regular follow-ups of several families...

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Support to Families

In Haiti, 80% of children in orphanages have at least one living parent.We support vulnerable families to prevent them from separating and children ending up in orphanages. Supporting families is a central part of our ministry which started in Cité Soleil and today we...

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Listening to God in the midst of danger

Good Friday Jonathan went down to Cité Soleil after a year of absence. A year filled with violent conflicts that prevented us from returning. The situation has not changed and has been even worse in recent months. Families who could afford it have left the area. There...

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