It’s been already a month since Lionel (Flore’s brother) joined our team in Haiti. We are grateful that he can help us and serve the people around him. After arriving in a completely new setting, read how he lets himself be challenged.
After a day in Cité Soleil we are finally back home. The gate opens, the car creaks into the courtyard until the gate can close, and it stops there. I open the door and see my nephews enjoying wonderful homemade fries with a nice piece of fish. In an instant, my environment changes drastically. What a contrast!
As I’ve spent the day surrounded by hungry people, I realize I’m going to have a nice little meal. After the noise of those screaming louder for food, I can hear one person talking at a time. After having to deal with an excitable crowd, I can come and go around the house without worry. And if it rains, I’m not afraid my house will be flooded.
The adrenaline of this food distribution subsides and the disgust rises again. Already this afternoon in Cité Soleil, tears were rising when I saw these people hurrying to the fence begging me to give them something. Yet we allowed over a thousand people to eat tonight. But to see the misery that is far from what I experience, when a few kilometers separate us … It is indescribable …I, who loves nice food so much, must encourage myself to eat. This is proof that it touches me because normally I don’t need to be asked to eat. As I put my impressions down on paper, as I begin this delicious meal, tears begin flowing… what a privilege to share a little bit of how God feels for these men, women and children he loves so much.
I need to put my faith into action to believe that his hand is not too short, even in these people’s lives. I need to take a step back and remember the prospect of eternity, when all of this will be permanently eradicated for all who trust in Jesus. I feel privileged to have been able to be a finger in God’s hand today.